
बॉलीवुड में वापसी के लिए तनुश्री दत्ता ने घटाया 15 किलो वजन, अब लगने लगी है ऐसी

अभिनेत्री तनुश्री दत्ता ने हाल ही में अपनी कुछ फोटो शेयर की हैं। जिनको देखकर हर कोई हैरान है। दरअसल तनुश्री दत्ता ने अपना वजन कम कर लिया है और अपने नए लुक में ये बेहद ही सुंदर लग रही हैं। तनुश्री दत्ता के अनुसार उन्होंने अपना 15 किलो वजन कम किया है।

तनुश्री ने अपने ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन की कहानी लोगों के साथ साझा की है और बेहद ही बड़ा पोस्ट भी लिखा है। अपनी फोटो को शेयर करते हुए तनुश्री दत्ता ने लिखा की मैंने इस नौकरी को स्वीकार नहीं किया। क्योंकि मैं अपने एक्टिंग के करियर को फिर से शुरू करना चाहती हूं। महामारी के खत्म होने के बाद मुझे इस नौकरी के लिए एल.ए/न्यूयॉर्क में रहना पड़ेगा। जिसके चलते मुझे तीन सालों तक अमरीका से वापस भारत आने की भी अनुमति नहीं मिलेगी। इसके लिए मुझे 3 साल के कान्ट्रैक्ट पर साइन भी करना होगा। सुरक्षा के क्षेत्र से संबंधित होने के कारण इस नौकरी के नियम भी सख्त हैं। ताकि कर्मचारी बार-बार नौकरी को न छोड़ें।

अपने पोस्ट में तनुश्री दत्ता ने आगे लिखा कि मुझे बॉलीवुड और मुंबई में बहुत अच्छे लोग मिले हैं। इसलिए मैं भारत वापस आ गई हूं। कुछ समय के लिए यहीं रहूंगी और कुछ बेहतरीन प्रोजेक्ट्स पर काम करुंगी। बॉलीवुड से मुझे फिल्म और वेब सीरीज में काम करने के ऑफर आ रहे हैं। इस समय मैं 3 दक्षिण फिल्म मैनेजर्स और मुंबई के 12 कास्टिंग ऑफिसेज के संपर्क में हूं।


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Some old news doing the rounds that I’m doing an IT job in LA. I was infact training for in IT and had a fantastic IT job opportunity in the defence sector of the US Government. It was a very prestigious job opportunity as I have always had the discipline, integrity and determination of an army person so to work in this field in whatever capacity would have been an honour. But I didn’t take it as I wanted to explore my artistic career again. The defence job based out of Nevada would eventually after the Pandemic would need me to shift out of LA/ NY and I would not be permitted to leave the US for 3 years. I would also have to sign a job contract for 3 years coz such national defence related US jobs usually have very high security clearance and permissions so they cannot have people in and out of employment. Since I’m an artist at heart who just happened to lose my way away from my craft due to some very very bad human beings and the trouble they caused me, i decided to not be hasty in changing my profession and re-consider what options I have in Bollywood. I have a lot of goodwill in Bollywood and Mumbai so I came back to India and will stay here for sometime and will work on some interesting projects. I have been getting some offers from Bollywood in terms of movies and web series and the Industry seems far more interested in casting me rather than my arch- enemies.( they only announce projects but none of their projects ever see the light of day & will not).At present I’m in touch with 3 big South film managers who are pitching me for Big budget south Projects as well as 12 Casting offices in Mumbai. There are powerfull Industry bigwigs who are giving me silent support in the background as they know the truth and are my wellwishers.There are also big production houses I’m talking to for projects in lead roles. The pandemic has just made shooting dates uncertain so I’m unable to make a concrete announcement. I recently shot a commercial advertisement in the beauty space and announced that I’m back to work. I’m looking good, getting back my sass as I’ve lost 15 kgs and there is a strong buzz amongst industry folks of my imminent return to acting! #??

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The big secret of my 15 kg weight loss as many have been asking is intermittent fasting on alternate days! People on social media are just going berserk wondering what happened to me and how I lost so much. Well, Rome was not built in a day neither was my body. Took a year to get to this. So here it is folks; Along with a good healthy diet and regular exercise I’m following a holistic lifestyle. I start my week with a full day monday fast ( Shiva devotee! ) and live a holistic, organic, ayurvedic lifestyle the rest of week. I started this fast and a few other changes after I visited Mahakaleshwar last year. I consume eggs, non veg and dairy sometimes but mostly remain vegan. I let my spirit decide what to put in my body. I dont drink, smoke or do anything that harms my body and reduces its capacity to heal naturally. I drink lots of water except if I’m doing a full fast. I cheat sometimes on my daily routine once every few weeks for few days but jump right back in to discipline. Start my day with hot water n lemon, and end with a cup of hot green tea after dinner. Dinner is always before 8 or 9 pm latest. 30-40 min walk and 30-40 min of weight training or yoga almost everyday. Lots of fresh juices to keep energy levels up and lots of detox teas and green teas all day. I pray and meditate 3 times daily as has been my habit for years through many different religions, and despite my life circumstances try to keep a smile on my face and help others as much as I can. It’s my whole lifestyle and a 360 degree attitude shift that has contributed to this positive change. There is no magic, no miracle, no secret so to say just a realization that I wanted the change so bad that I was willing to give up on a few things that were not serving me anymore. Certain attitudes, certain food habits and certain thought and habit patterns had lived out their expiry. Last but not the least someone up there surely loves me enough to keep giving me second chances in life to correct all the wrongs that I have endured! So this is His grace and His love manifest as my transformed body and soul. Still more to go…work in progress folks! Need ur support, love and prayers too. Xoxo

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तनुश्री ने पोस्ट में आगे कहा कि ये वो लोग हैं जो सच जानते हैं और अंदर ही अंदर मेरे साथ हैं। ये मेरे शुभचिंतक हैं। कुछ बड़े प्रोडक्शन हाउस भी हैं जिनसे लीड रोल के लिए बात चल रही है। महामारी की वजह से शूटिंग की तारीखें पक्की नहीं हो पा रहीं जिसकी वजह से मैं कोई ऐलान नहीं कर सकती। अभी हाल ही में मैंने एक ब्यूटी कॉमर्शियल शूट किया है और घोषणा की है कि मैं वापस आ चुकी हूं। 15 किलो वजन घटाकर मैं अच्छी दिख रही हूं।

तनुश्री दत्ता ने अपने पोस्ट के साथ जो फोटो शेयर की है उसमें ये बेहद ही सुंदर नजर आ रही है। पूर्व मिस यूनिवर्स तनुश्री दत्ता के इस पोस्ट से साफ है कि वो फिर से बॉलीवुड में काम करने का प्लान कर रही हैं। गौरतलब है कि तनुश्री दत्ता ने आशिक बनाया आपने सहित कई फिल्मों में काम किया था। लेकिन कुछ समय बाद इन्होंने बॉलीवुड से दूरी बना ली और अमेरिका चले गई।

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